Summertime is upon us, and that means it’s time to go fishing at C.A.S.T. for Kids!
Events began in earnest in late April across the nation, and 2024 is shaping up to have over 100 C.A.S.T. for Kids events throughout America. As we begin our 33rd season, we are so thankful for all the tremendous volunteers who make C.A.S.T. for Kids events possible. There are several events nationwide that have been taking place annually for over 25 years! That wouldn’t happen without local volunteers who really believe in the program, and who love to celebrate children with special needs in their community. We also love the fact that several new events have started in the last few years, and many more will begin in 2024. Our belief is that the world could never have too many C.A.S.T. for Kids events, so we love to see the growth of new events!
Some big foundation news to share with everyone is the fact that C.A.S.T. for Kids was just awarded a 4-star rating by Charity Navigator, the world’s largest, most trusted non-profit evaluator. This is a difficult recognition to earn, and it is proof that we run a tight ship here at the foundation. When you combine thousands of awesome volunteers across America with a foundation operating at a 4-star level, that adds up to even greater days ahead for more and more children across the nation. Let’s make it a fantastic 2024 for the kids!
Jay Yelas, Executive Director
What our volunteers and participants are saying…
“My favorite moment was when the volunteer boaters spoke during the plaque handouts. It was so heartwarming to be able to see the interaction between them and the participants and what probably went on during their boat trip.” – Shore Volunteer
“[Volunteering] made me see that there are so many good people still in this world who don’t put a price on helping kids enjoy life.” – Shore Volunteer
“Seeing [my son] enjoying catching all the fish made it all worth it. No matter how far I have to drive to take him [to a C.A.S.T. event], he always has a good time!” – Parent of Participant
“[Volunteering] gives me a sense of community and helping where I can.” – Volunteer Boater
“The patience of the volunteers was a huge help in overcoming my son’s disabilities. He was able to wander, ask questions, help serve others, and do all of this without being told no or that he was in the way.” – Parent of Participant