Shining Light on Autism Awareness

We met a special boy named Tanner at our 19th Annual C.A.S.T. for Kids event at Lake Pleasant in Arizona back in April. Tanner is eight, has three siblings and loves to give people hugs. His parents Liz and Cameron also took part in the event over the last five years helping volunteer and taking part in a fun filled day of fishing and boating and bringing smiles to other kids and families. Tanner was diagnosed at two years of age with autism.

One in every 42 boys in America has some degree of autism. Tanner and his family are glad they got him into therapy early, but he still faces daily challenges. His mom and dad weren’t sure how he would do when they started bringing him to C.A.S.T. for Kids events.” – Jay Yelas, Executive Director, C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation

“We noticed when Tanner was, before he was one, we knew that something was wrong. You would talk to him, and there was no response. He would bang his head against walls, just frustrated. We had him tested, and at the age of two he was diagnosed with autism.” – Tanner’s Mom, Liz

“We set out to help special needs children like Tanner by hosting fishing events across the country. And at C.A.S.T. for Kids, we believe that every child is worth celebrating. Each child receives their very own fishing rod, tackle box, t-shirt, cap and plaque…. Kids like Tanner can set out on the water and celebrate a great day of fishing.” – Jay Yelas, Executive Director, C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation

“Fishing has a funny way of calming people down and making them relax.”Tanner’s Dad, Cameron

Tanner loves being on the water and petting the fish. He had several behavioral issues but through the C.A.S.T. for Kids events these became less and less so the program has had a profound impact on his life and his family’s life. He’s always so proud of the plaques and trophies he receives at the end of the day.

We hope you enjoy watching his story.

Please donate or volunteer today and make a difference in a child’s life! 

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Enriching the lives of children with special needs, supporting their families and strengthening communities through the sport of fishing.


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