There is no doubt about the fact that our wonderful boat captains and shore volunteers are the heroes of the day at C.A.S.T. for Kids events. They are the ones who make the day possible and do a great job of sharing the joy of fishing with the participants. But they do so much more than simply showing the kids how to fish. They make the kids feel loved and special, and that is worth more than any fish!
Being a volunteer boat captain at a C.A.S.T. for Kids event is a very rewarding experience. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to what these boat captains from the 2017 season had to say following their C.A.S.T. event:
“I felt honored to be able to be a part of this event. I saw the impact this made on the child and his family. It was so exciting for them to see their child experience something they’ve never been able to do before.” – Boat Captain, Strawberry Reservoir, UT
“Reminded me of just how blessed I am. I guess I never realized how just a couple hours of my time could bring so much joy to a child.” – Boat captain, Lake Thunderbird, OK
“I hate that I can’t remember when fishing brought me pure joy. Today, two young kids Ryder and Bodie made me remember. And as much as they thanked me for taking them and their family out today, I probably owe them the bigger thanks for taking me back to a time when a rod in my hand and a 5 inch blue gill on the line was the greatest thing in the world. I also owe my son Evan credit for getting up at the crack of dawn and coming out and being my deckhand. For my friends that own boats and fish, it’s time to get involved…my eyes have been opened to a great organization that helps to make some dreams come true for some kids that want nothing more than the experience we kind of take for granted every time we’re on the water.” –Boat Captain, Lake Washington, WA
Boaters, please don’t worry about what kind of boat you own, and whether or not it would be an appropriate vessel to bring to a C.A.S.T. for Kids event. Any boat that is safe and has a capacity for three or more people is a great boat to take a child and their parent fishing in. At C.A.S.T. for Kids events, volunteer boat captains show up with every kind of boat you can imagine, from an old 1950’s clunker to a 2017 model right off the showroom floor. Guess what? The kids don’t care what kind of boat they ride in, and they don’t know the difference between boats anyhow. At C.A.S.T., we love old boats! We love the men and women that captain old boats even more!
“We had a wonderful boat captain, Captain Mike. As soon as we left Katie said, ‘I miss him. I miss him so much.’” I said, “Who, Steven?” because her brother was at home. She said, “No. Captain Mike. When will I see him again?” She had an amazing experience and I caught my very first (and second) fish that I’ve ever caught! We had the best time. Katie came home and went in her room with her plaque. She came back out and said, “Well, I’ve measured and I have room on my wall for 14 more plaques so that’s 14 more years with Captain Mike.” It was so cute. This from a child who a few years ago couldn’t even tell you her full name.” –Participant, Lake Thunderbird, OK
Our focus is on making a child’s day very special, and you can be the one who touches a child’s life in a very special way, no matter what kind of boat you own.