Chris and Robert Divin are no strangers to C.A.S.T. for Kids. They’ve volunteered at events for five years before deciding to take on the role of coordinator. We were thrilled when they wanted to start their own event at Lake Corpus Christi, Texas.
Listen in on an interview with them and Western Regional Director, Jim Behnken.
Jim: Your first C.A.S.T. event is in the books. Great job! How do you feel?
Chris & Robert: Relieved, exhausted, excited, blessed.
Jim: You’ve volunteered at several events before starting your own and your experience showed. It was a near perfect inaugural event. How did volunteering first before becoming a coordinator help you?
Chris & Robert: We watched how every part worked and worked (volunteered) at every part (not just fishing with a child).
Jim: You had some amazing children attend, from 30-40 miles away no less. How does that make you feel?
Chris & Robert: Confident in next year’s turn-out and also proud to be a part of C.A.S.T.
Jim: What if anything would you do differently next year? What did you learn from this one?
Chris & Robert: More communication with the families. We had 17 kids sign up that did not show. Phone calls made a huge difference. People liked to hear from us and called us back…
Jim: Any final thoughts?
Chris & Robert: We can’t wait till next year (well, not LITERALLY). Ha Ha. We just know that we will have a little more time to get things together, more sponsorships etc…
If you’ve volunteered at a C.A.S.T. for Kids event and would like more information about coordinating, click here and a Regional Director will reach out to you.