After the fishing tournament and C.A.S.T. for Kids event on Lake Waco, fishing pros Alton Jones, Alton Jones Jr., and Clay Dyer, along with Cole and Gaby smile for the camera
Every time I attend a C.A.S.T. for Kids event, I leave inspired.
I’m inspired by the kids and their willingness to try and often succeed. I’m inspired by the parents who may have well leaped over buildings in a single bound getting to and from the event. They are my modern-day superheroes.

Gaby Out Fishing Like a Pro
In Waco, Texas, Haley’s Heroes 3rd annual C.A.S.T. for Kids Celebrity Pro-Am Bass Fishing Tournament & Auction presented by Texas Farm Bureau Insurance filled up this year’s 4th of July weekend. Fifteen fishing pros and celebrities gathered to give of their time and talents, all for the special kids of C.A.S.T.. Once again, these gentlemen inspired.
They inspired the amateur fishermen who bid to fish with a pro in the tournament. They inspired the children who watched them at the weigh-in. They inspired the crowd at the auction with their prayer, presence, and graciousness.

Cole and Clay Dyer Connecting After the Fishing Event
Clay Dyer, a professional bass fisherman was our guest speaker the night of the auction. He was born without any lower limbs, no arm on the left side and a partial arm on the right. His motto for life is “If I can, you can.” This noble statement isn’t just a motto. It’s how Clay lives.
Cole (pictured above in blue) didn’t need to have heard Clay’s speech to be inspired. Cole is deaf. Instead, he can see Clay’s can-do approach to life at the fishing event and zoomed behind him in his wheelchair, desiring to be near his own modern-day superhero.

We ended the weekend with full-hearts. So many people gave and so many received. Not only had the fundraiser been a success, helping C.A.S.T. for Kids continue to host fishing events for kids with special needs around the country, but lives were touched, changed and everyone left feeling loved.